Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
For all round development of students we promote them for various activities like gathering, sports, N.S.S., inter-college competitions, and quiz – competitions etc. Hence the Student’s council is designed for proper channelization of their great potential and energy. The student's council is made up of faculty members and student nominees. The chairperson of the council is the Principal. The students hold various offices like General Secretary and secretaries for cultural activity sports and magazine.
Selection of Students
Students are selected on the basis of merit as per the norms of University.
Functions of Students’ council
Student Council Committee 2022-2023
Teacher incharge
1. Dr. Jyotsana Yadav (Students Councils incharge )
2. Dr. Yadunath Waykole (Cultural Incharge)
3. Dr. Abhijeet Shekhar (Cultural Incharge)
4. Dr. Santosh Kamble (Sports Incharge)
Programme Officer of National Service Scheme
1. Dr. Prakash Mane
Student Committee
1. Mitesh Mokariya
2. Yadnya Ladhe
Cultural Activities
1. Aishwarya Patil
2. Khalid Shikalgar
3. Radhika Tarate
1. Suhana Shaikh
2. Suhana Shaikh
3. Vaishnavi Tandon
National Service Scheme
1. Arpit Anshu
2. Pranjal Thorat
Student Council Committee 2020-2021
Dr. Gunvant Yeola (Principal) (principal.ayurved@dypvp.edu.in)
Mobile: 9028321955
Teacher Incharge Nominated by Dean/ principal
Dr. Shital Rasane (shital.rasane@dpu.edu.in) Mobile:9503330831
Dr. Jyotsna Yadav (Jyotsna.yadav@dpu.edu.in)
Mobile: 8805311482
Dr. Yadunath Waykole (waykole.chandrakant@dpu.edu.in)
Mobile: 8308858827
Teacher Incharge of National Cadet Course
Dr. Prakash Mane(maneprakash1171@gmail.com)
Mobile: 9423277615
Director of Sports and Physical Education
Dr. Santosh Kamble (santosh.kamble@dpu.edu.in)
Mobile: 7057202819
Nominated by Dean
1. Parimal Dambhare (parimalpatildambhare@gmail.com
Mobile: 7620777287
2. Sneha Shivale (snehars2108@gmail.com)
Mobile: 7843052031
One Student Each Nominated by Dean/ Principal
1. Viraj Jadhav (virajadhav7777@gmail.com)
Mobile: 8421288846
2. Dhanashree Tetu (tetudhanashree7@gmail.com)
Mobile: 9096269858
3. Abhisek Yadav (abhisekyd555@gmail.com)
Mobile: 9706674616
1. Arpit Anshu (anshuarpit15@gmail.com)
Mobile: 8709695761
2. Pranjal Throat (pranjalthorat2301@gmail.com)
Mobile: 7755981797
National Cadet Course
1. Anushri Soni (anushrisoni1207@gmail.com) Mobile: 7355646295
2. Sanhita Arote (arotesanhita@gmail.com)
3. Mitesh Mokariya (miteshmokariya2000@gmail.com)
Student Council Committee 2019-2020
Dr. Gunvant Yeola (Principal)
Teacher Incharge Nominated by Dean/ Principal
Dr. Shital Rasane (Incharge)
Dr. Jyotsna Yadav
Dr. Yadunath Waykole
Dr. Prakash Mane
Dr. Amar Kamble
Dr. Anand Kale
1. Aditi Dutia (II BAMS)
2. Aakriti varrier(I BAMS)
1. Atish Nemane (II BAMS)
2. Mayur Kamble (II BAMS)
3. Neha Bodke (I BAMS)
1. Viraj Jadhav (II BAMS)
1. Prasanna Thakur (II BAMS)
2. Parimal Dambare (II BAMS)
3. Rashi Pathak (I BAMS)
Student Council Committee 2018 -2019
Dr. Medha Kulkarni (Principal)
Student Council Incharge
Dr. Sheetal Rasane
Cultural Incharge
Dr. Jyotsana Yadav
Dr. Waykole Yadunath
Sport Incharge
Dr. Amar Kambale.
General Secretary of
Committee – Simran sheikh
Cultural Secretary
Tushar Devkate Rutuja Bhosure
Sport Secretary
Tejas Badgujar Snehal Chavan
Mangesh Shinde Rutuja Khuspe
Magazine Secretary
Snehil Pardeshi Prerna Nalode
Student Council Committee 2017 - 2018
Dr. Sheetal Roman
Cultuaral Incharge
General Secretary
Sagar Dherange
Nilam Sambre
Sports Incharge
Sports Secretary
Prasanna Gaikwad
Shubham Mandwe
Research Secretary
Pooja Kadu
Tejal Yeole
NSS Secretary
Pratik Joshi
NCC Secretary
Priyanka Talmale
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre Pimpri, Pune-411 018 (Maharashtra) India