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Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre
Pimpri, Pune-411 018 (Maharashtra) India
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade


Introduction -

We have heard of abhimanyu in the intrauterine life when lord shri Krishna was explaining the secrets to subhandra. But he stopped when he knew that Abhimanyu was catching up with him. He, as the knower of all future wanted him to know only the secret of going into the chakravyuha. We know what happened in "Mahabharata" later in the war.

Many other references in ayurvedic "Granthas point to the possibilities of learning in the womb itself. In the intrauterine life baby is like a sponge and can absorb all things with such a wonderful speed with proper training. The baby can deliver in good shape with easy natural delivery and imbue with fine values.

The training given to the fetus through mother consists of:-

1. Yoga

2. Music

3. Ayurvedic Garbhini paricharya

4. Reading of spiritual books and mantra's


If the mother has practiced Asanas before pregnancy. She can easily practice them in pregnancy with some precautions. She should practice them with trained and experienced teacher who knows the adverse effects of unnecessary movements. She can practice the following poses.

Trikonasan, parshwakonasan, virbhadrasan, these poses in standing position makes the lower extremity light and increase confidence.

Baddhakonasan, janushirshasan, upvishtha konsan.these asanas make the woman capable tolerating the labour pains. The perineal muscles get relaxed and the delivery becomes normal and easy.

Virasana, vajrasana- these Asanas help to reduce the edema on legs.

Parvatasana can increase space in abdominal cavity and the respiratory movements become easy.

The difficult poses like sarvangasan, halasan and shirsasan can also practiced in pregnancy with precautions and proper guidance.

Pranayam: The regular practice of deep inhale-exale, anulom, and vilom and bhramari pranayam increases oxygenation in pregnancy.

Shavasana- In dehydration due to hyperemesis, anaemia, hypertension, asthma: mothers get relief when they perform shavasana 2-3 times a day.


Music and sound affect all living beings. Animals yield more milk with appropriate music; similarly music enhances the deficiency of workers in factories and offices. Music pacifies the excited mind and it can also lessen physical pain. Even plants are positively influenced by music. Then is it not natural that it should affect the fetus?

Long before hearing has developed in utero, the child is aware of energetic musical vibrations as well as the mother’s emotional and biochemical response to them. Through shared musical experiences, the relationship between the mother and child is strengthened enormously.

But always listen to calm soothing music. Music increases intelligence, creativity listening skills. The loud music is not tolerated by baby.

There are many cassettes and cd's available in market. But the one I prefer most for my patients is manashakti's 'music for unborn'. This CD combines the Indian classical music along with pronunciation of mantras. Additionally it also includes western music enriched with tunes in low, medium and high frequencies. The famous music composer and singer late Shri sudhir Phadake has also recited the 'Gayatri mantras' in two different ragas, in his melodious voice.

Most of the patients give feedback that after listening to this CD in pregnancy the child has become aware of music. one mother told me that me that her daughter who is 3 years old now, when she hears "Gayatri mantra" anywhere, she just stops and listens to it. The march past song filled with bravery is also included in this CD.Many antenatal mothers tell me that the fetus starts kicking inside when it hears it. Unbelievable!!!!

Garbhini paricharya-

Many ayurvedic texts have advised diet and activities followed by pregnant woman in detail.

Diet of pregnant woman must be palatable, liquid, sweet and appetizing. Milk, butter and ghee must be liberally used in her diet.'Kashyapa' has advised the use of hot water, milk and meat. According to him milk increases weight of baby, meat provides nutrition to the baby and also suppresses 'vata' in pregnant woman. 'Yogratnakar' has given list of some dietary substances such as mudga, wheat, floor or porched rice, butter, rasala (curd mixed with sugar and condiments). Honey, sugar, banana, amlaki, draksha etc.

Even ayurveda has mentioned monthly dietary schedule followed by a pregnant lady. Specially in 1st trimester when mother is unable to have proper healthy food due to nausea, vomiting and anorexia, many recopies can be advised from ayurveda e.g. avaleha, mand ,peya, yush the guideline is to be taken by a competent ayurved person who also has thorough knowledge of obstetrics.

The behavior of a pregnant lady is also explained in detail. e.g. "every morning after clean bath one must worship rising sun. She should wear clean. White cloths, sacred, auspicious. New, intact ornaments. Use cooling agents like musk, chandan, camphor etc.

Basti in pregnancy:-

In the eighth month ayurveda has advised to give 'asthapan basti' followed by 'anuwasan basti' even the position given to woman at the time of enema is explained.

Vaginal tampons lubricated by medicinal oil if used in ninenth month, because softening of yonimarg i.e vagina and facilitate easy vaginal delivery.

Advantages of 'Garbhini paricharya'.

1. Use of monthly regimen sooth her 'garbhadharini area' i.e. uterus and 'kukshi' i.e. abdomen and perineal muscle: sacral region, flanks and back.

2. 'Vayu' becomes normal or anulomak.

3. Bladder and bowel empty easily.

4. Strength and complexion improve.

5. The labor process becomes normal and easy. She delivers healthy child.

Reading of spiritual books prayers and chanting of mantras.

'Mantra' is defined as that which helps to balance the mind. Therefore it helps to create a very positive impact on the personality of the fetus. Among the several mantras 'gayatri' is king of mantras.

There is no proof in Vedas, in religion not is it scientific and logical that women should not recite 'Gayatri mantra' so both parents can chant this mantra daily.

Prayer means concentrated good thoughts. Right from the moment of conception welcomes the baby with ‘prayer’. Your bond with baby will grow stronger day by day.

Here also I would like to refer the book of 'manshakti' which mentions a prayer which means as follows.’o little baby, we welcome you! Come to enjoy a truthful and real life, we wish you to be a good human being, for it we shall try to provide you necessary facilities' etc.

So thus without forcing our thoughts, desire, we can welcome the baby in this new world for him or her. The thoughts reach the baby inside the uterus and of course he\she is prepared well to the battle of life!!!

Instead of watching soapy TV. Serials, action movies, bad news, the lady can spend her time well by reading some good religious books like'Bhagvatgita, Ramayan, Mahabharata’.she can also recite ramraksha, rnanache shlok everyday.

Everybody has stress in today’s life. But you have to find ways to distract your mind from worrying. If mother develops habit of reading daily, it is good for her and baby. She can study any religious scriptures of her faith which can give her guidance and direction in life. She can read biographies of great men like Shivaji maharaj, Mahatma Gandhi. The troubles faced and overcome by them will inspire her. She can aiso convey it to her fetus by telling stories every day.

The gynecologist is the person who is companion of her pregnant patient since conception up to delivery. The birth is a journey for three of them, the doctor, mother and baby. Therefore all should make it a special event, something to be always remembered and treasured, a joyous occasion to welcome the new addition to the family.