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(Deemed to be University)

Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre,
Pimpri, Pune-411 018 (Maharashtra) India
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade
44th Rank in University Category (NIRF - 2024)

Panchakarma Section

Available Procedures in Panchakarma OPD and Panchakarma Theater

Abhyanga (Oleation) Katibasti Vaman
Shirodhara Prushtha basti Virechana
Avagah Manyabasti Basti
Swedan (Sudation) Hridbasti Nasya
Gandusha Janubasti Pinda sweda
Netra Tarpan Kavala Dhumapana
Nabhipuran Uttar Basti Karna purana
Patra Pottali Nasa tarpana Upanah
Panchakarma For Beauty and Wellness

CBL Fairness Facial Massage and Steam

CBL Facial massage with Bleach

Kumkumadi Facial Massage with Bleach

Kumkumadi Facial Massage

Clean Up Therapy

Relaxatation Therapy (Sarwang Snehan, Swedana , Shirodhara )

panchakarma year wise chart